1. Surface preparation
- Steel: Blast all surface in accordance with SSPC-SP10("Near White", SIS Sa 2 1/2).
- Concrete: Light abrasive blasting is best to remove all previous coatings, chalk and surface glaze or laitance.
2. Environmental Conditions
- Air temperature : 10~49°C, Surface temperature: 10~49°C
- Relative humidity : up to 85%
- The surface temperature must be at least 3°C above the dew point to prevent moisture condensation.
3. Application Equipment
- Conventional or airless spray, power mixer
- Airless spray: Tip size-0.017~0.025inch
- Output pressure-143atm
- Thinning ratio: Up to 15%(Vol)
(*Airless spray data are indicative and subject to adjustment)
Caution for usage
1) Mix the material according to designed mixing ratio and use after stirring it until uniformly blended. And, Use the mixed paint within pot life.
2) Avoid applying paint on rainy days, high humidity(Over 85%) day, low temperature(Under -5°C) condition.
3) When immersed before curing time for immersion service, it can make coating problems (chalking, discoloration, blistering, etc.)
4) Even if you use same product(color, lot), the painting equipment and method(thinning ratio) can cause different color. So, you should check the color before using it.
5) When apply this paint to immersion region of concrete managing waterproofing, it is possible to occur peeling. So, coating work have to be proceeded after checking the adhesion with our products.
6) When apply this paint to exposure region, it is possible to occur yellowing and chalking, so you have to apply good
weather resistance topcoat.
Caution for handling
1) Store it indoor (5~35°C) condition, avoiding heat and open flame. And, keep it standing and being closed.
2) Dispose of the waste paint through the waste disposal company designated by the Ministry of Environment.
3) Since this product is a chemical product, it may deteriorate during long-term storage. Please refer to our customer center for the products that have p assed this period.
- Please refer to the warning in the appendix
Packing & Storage
- Primer for steel – SUPERPOXY 130 Series (if necessary)
- Primer for concrete – EPOCOAT PRIMER etc